We have extended on DF Solution. Below you will find the most popular so you can get more information and check if what you want is available.
The perfect domain for your business
Simple, easy to memorize and write. Visitors do not have to ask themselves questions about the correct spelling of the domain. Also make sure that you can also use the chosen name as an email address, remembering that some email protocols do not support special characters. A logical and easily readable name reassures users about the reliability of the site.
Strategic. Starting with the domain, visitors need to be able to easily infer your main business. We offer numerous extensions among which you can identify the one that best suits your needs. If the site is oriented towards e-commerce, for example, it is important to remember its commercial function so as not to confuse visitors. Before registering a domain, you need to think about the online image strategy you intend to adopt.
Optimized for SEO. Using keywords associated with strategic extensions for your business allows you to better respond to searches made on search engines. The domain must be logically linked to its future content and reflect the purpose of the website, so that users deem it consistent. It is also important to take into account local referencing: for example, for a business located mainly in Italy, the most appropriate option is the “.it” extension.
What is a domain for?
A domain is your website name (URL) and what will be shown after the @ in your email addresses. Use one to protect your brand and allow your current or potential customers to easily find you online.
There cannot be two identical domain names, as each domain and its subdomains (e.g. www.mydomain.com) point to their corresponding IP address (e.g. You can use your domain for as many online services as you want – a website, email, server, cloud storage, etc.
If you have already registered a domain with another provider and want to transfer it to DF Solution, you will have one year of renewal.
What’s better than a custom name for your website? Having your own web space will allow you to be visible all over the world (over 7 billion total visitors according to the official estimates of the InternetWorldStats). Registering one is the only way to maintain the exclusive ownership of the “virtual” name, and avoid future abuse by third parties.
You will be able to advertise your brand, your products, the services you can offer, your skills: the internet is a world in constant expansion, and a website will allow you to globalize your world through a blog, a forum, a CMS, a e-commerce and much more.
You can check if the name is free using the verification tool at the top of the page.
At the top you will find a text box: just fill it with the name of the site you would like to register, choose the extension and click on ‘Check NOW’!
Remember that:
1) the name is the one before the point (for example SITO.com has the SITE name);
2) the domain extension is the one after the point (for example, sito.IT has the extension .IT);
3) each registration typically lasts one year and must be renewed periodically.